Friday, July 18, 2008

Multiplication mission

Mathematics, or "maths" as people in Zambia refer to the subject, seems to be a bit of a challenge for many people in the country. One of the expatriate nurses shared with me that many of the Zambian nurses struggle with mathematical concepts, and this has caused some difficulty when it comes to administering the proper dosage of medication and other job responsibilities. In the classroom it's been frustrating watching the children calculate problems like "24 x 4" as "24 + 24 + 24 + 24" when they're supposed to be practicing their multiplication skills. It seems like they never learned their multiplication times tables, or at least the information never really sank in. So we have now embarked upon a "multiplication mission" for the next few weeks, focusing on memorizing the times tables. Many educators and others in the United States say that it's not necessary to spend much time memorizing mathematical facts since we have such tremendous access to technology, but I haven't seen a single calculator in our classroom and am fairly certain that most of the kids aren't using one at home, let alone other more advanced forms of technology. Plus, it seems to me that medical staff and other professionals don't exactly have time in the middle of a busy workday to find a calculator or a cell phone to determine the answer to a simple ma thematical problem. So, everyone, nine times four equals …? Mathematically yours, Hilary

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