Friday, July 25, 2008

It's time for a field trip!

It's time for a field trip!, originally uploaded by mattcotham.

Hilary: More kudos to the staff at Mukinge Hospital for
allowing us to bring the children for a “career day” field trip to the
hospital! Mabel and I walked the dusty half mile to the hospital with
our grades 3-5 students for a series of short presentations on the
different kinds of jobs found in the medical facility. Special thanks go to Dr. Edgar
Mutimushi, a Zambian physician who reminded the kids about the
importance of studying hard and showed the kids how to use a stethoscope; nurse James
Mesa, who has a winning smile and informed the kids that interior qualities
such as being kind and having a compassionate heart are important parts of
being a nurse; lab technician Paddy Chandalala who amazingly welcomed us into
the lab and let the kids look at slides through a microscope, many if not all
of them for the first time; and radiographer Kamfunte Kanyama who beautifully
explained what she does and brought along a sample X-ray for the kids to look at
In addition, Mr. Tantula invited us into the physiotherapy department
for a brief tour, and Uncle Gilbert explained what goes on in the outpatient
department. We also had the opportunity to walk by the pharmacy, tailor
shop, kitchen, optic shop, and nurses’ training college. Yippee for field

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