Wednesday, July 02, 2008

the english cut

the english cut, originally uploaded by mattcotham.

There's too many puns to be made on 'the first cut', but suffice it to
say that after mom and dad brought me a pair of electric clippers one of
the fun things we've been doing is offering free haircuts to the men on
male ward while they are in the hospital. I thought that maybe we'd get
one or two guys who wanted to get a shave, but it never fails that when
we do it the entire ward files up for a haircut and we're surrounded
with piles of curly hair next to the laundry lines outside. Usually I
leave the job to our capable ward assistants (Mr. Bazelel Munguya
pictured here) but I had a go at it today. The first person asked me
for an 'english cut', which I later found out was not to be confused
with an 'english bobee cut'. Actually, in my opinion pretty much any
haircut that I give is by definition an 'english cut', or at least a cut
in english. However, the actual english cut consists of shaving on the
sides and leaving it infinitesimally longer on the top (by about 1 mm
longer according to the clippers). I think I have a picture from
Livingstone last year that may illustrate the topic...coming next....

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