Sunday, June 03, 2007

hope deferred

As some of you know, this weekend was supposed to be the launching of
the new satellite internet here at Mukinge. Well, the team arrived on
Thursday, but was not the team we expected. The team that came arrived
in order to survey the local people outside Mukinge what they thought of
the internet, but they forgot to actually bring the parts that would
allow the internet to be functioning here. Likewise, they didn't bring
the technical people to help set it up. So after surveying people, they
flew back to Lusaka and brought back the parts required; however, they
forgot the software to install the run the server. So we're still back
where we began, although maybe we'll have another flight next week that
will help clear this up a bit. After waiting six months after when they
said it would be installed, I guess another week or two won't make that
much difference. Don't call me on Skype quite yet, though.

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