Sunday, May 27, 2007

So long, sucker

So long, sucker, originally uploaded by mattcotham.

This has been my temporary bridge to sanity for the past two months as I

have given up on my phone ever working properly and the vagaries of

dial-up internet. This pint-size package plugs into my computer and

allows me to talk to all of you, at least briefly and with a minimum of


BUT.....The awaited promised day is soon to arrive, where I can call

home using Skype, and get pictures, and watch edited Lost episodes on -- the VSAT! The satellite dish has been delivered, the

installation team has been scheduled to arrive on Thursday, and

hopefully by next Monday, without too many snafus, we'll be in

business. Updates to follow....

1 comment:

Mary said...

The season finale of Lost was the best two hours of television... ever. Something to look forward to.