Thursday, February 22, 2007

the local walmart

There is no such thing around here, however, we do have some interesting
combinations of stores -- my favorite is the shop that provides arc
welding, haircuts, and car washes. I mean, what else do you really
need? The BOMA is bustling these days with several new stores,
restaurants, and all the local produce. I've been buying tomatoes by
the bucketful, especially since now I don't have to carry them all the
way home on my back or in a flimsy plastic sack. Now I pile them all in
my plastic carton on the back of my scooter and rush back home -- what
used to take 2 hours for shopping now takes me 30 minutes.
We tried eating out for the first time the other week -- Ghanian feast,
to be exact. Not bad, although a bit pricey for what I expected.
Certainly no Chinese Peking Duck feast or anything like that. I think I
saw a new restaurant open up last week, though, so maybe I'll check that

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