Sunday, September 21, 2008

fire on the mountain

fire on the mountain, originally uploaded by mattcotham.

When I was a kid we accidentally burned down the neighbors yard by
putting some not-quite-extinguished coals in a bag of grass clippings.
I think I'm getting a little payback this week. It's a little late for
the burning season here -- it's usually in June-July -- but the last few
days we've had a couple of fires creep pretty close to the hospital.
This is the hill next to the hospital, and then the next day the field
behind my house was set on fire and burned to about 50 yards of my back
door. It makes me a little bit nervous when you realize there's no fire
department for about a 4 hour drive. But everything did fine, and
actually now I'm pretty safe since there's nothing left to burn....

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