Wednesday, October 31, 2007

exam time

exam time, originally uploaded by mattcotham.

Right now are the grade 12 exams here in Zambia, which make the ER oral
boards pale in comparison to the amount of stress that these engender.
Try to imagine that your SAT score would be one of the primary deciding
factors for every school you ever applied to and every job you ever took
and you'd understand a bit better. Maybe 10 staff members of the
hospital are studying and retaking their exams to improve their scores,
even at the age of 40 (imagine taking your SAT again at the age of
40!). Just to give you an example of how serious people are, we had a
girl come in from the secondary school with what turned out to be a
ruptured tubal pregnancy -- heart rate in the 140's, pale, dizzy. She
took her grade 12 history exam this morning before she'd let us do the
tests this afternoon to figure out what's going on or operate on her.
Surely that deserves one or two extra credit points on the exam?

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