Monday, April 30, 2007


hmm...sterile, originally uploaded by mattcotham.

No wonder our post-op infection rate is so high....check out that

spider. Like a lot of the stuff in the theater, no idea what this is

actually the lid to, which is probably why it hasn't been used since

1999. There's a definite reluctance to throw anything away, though,

since you never know when you might need it. You could almost employ

someone full-time just to sort through equipment and repair things that

are broken. I never realized how important the biomedical maintenance

side of things was until I got out here. Our resident, surgeon, David,

has made it his mission to sort through all this stuff in the year he's

here, since we haven't had a permanent surgeon for several years here at

the hospital. David's a very optimistic person. :)

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