Ah, southern Thanksgiving -- feel sorry for all you who don't get your choice of carrot cake, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, pumpkin tart, or key lime pie for your Thanksgivings. And that's after the sweet potatoes, which are pretty much dessert themselves with the pecan/rice krispie topping. If you've had them before, you know what I mean.
Some of you will be glad to know that the robe is making a strong push to rescue itself from being sidelined and reincorporated into the luggage. It's gonna be a tight race to the finish, however. Honestly, everything seems to be fitting fairly well, although I'm sure I'm still leaving behind some stuff I wish I could take and taking some stuff I'll never use.
I'm rooting for it.
From your former, high school, white, terry cloth "Robe Man,"
enjoyed the visit with you on Saturday. good food. good fun. let us know if Apples to Apples makes the trip!
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