Monday, September 15, 2008

jewish zambia

We are cranking out the circumcisions these days at the hospital. Who
would have thought that adult circumcision would be such a popular
thing, especially since we aren't doing childrens' circumcisions very
much. There's a big push in the country because circumcision is thought
to decrease the HIV and sexually transmitted infection rates, so there's
funding to get these done. I honestly don't really understand the
popularity amongst the local populace, but we get lines of 10-15 young
men every Saturday outside of the OR to get the snipping done. Many of
our hospital staff has signed up at one point or another. Fortunately
I'm involved very peripherally -- only to give a few words of comfort as
they gingerly make their way around the hospital on Monday morning.
I won't put any pictures with this post. :)

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